Complimentary .NET Software on Special functions

 Download now the complimentary Spherical Harmonics animated demo!

The spherical harmonics are not easy to imagine, but a rotation animation can help visualize de surface shapes. This demo will plot and animate the Spherical Harmonics as shown below. It works up to l + m =20. The operation straight forward.

The author of this piece of software is Armando Rodriguez, (resume and Biography)

It includes a SphericalHarmonics.dll and a SphericalHarmonicsTest.exe. The DLL can be called from any language that complies to the .NET CLS (Common Language Specifications) and offers the following namespace:


Namespace SpecialFunctions

Namespace SpecialFunctions
    sealed public class Combinatorials
        public static long Productorial(int nMin, int nMax)
        public static double ProductorialDbl(int nMin, int nMax)
        public static double ProductorialDivision(int mMin, int mMax,
                                                  int nMin, int nMax)
        public static long Variation(int n, int m)
        public static double VariationDbl(int n, int m)
        public static long Factorial(int n)
        public static double FactorialDbl(int n)
        public static long Combination(int n, int m)
        public static double CombinationDbl(int n, int m)
    public class Complex
        public double R
        public double I
        public Complex()
        public Complex(double r, double i)
        public Complex(Complex worldZ)
        public double Modulus2()
        public double Modulus()
        public static Complex Exp(Complex c)
        public static Complex operator +(Complex c1, Complex c2) 
        public static Complex Add(Complex c1, Complex c2)
        public static Complex operator *(Complex c1, Complex c2) 
        public static Complex Multiply(Complex c1, Complex c2) 
        public static bool operator ==(Complex c1, Complex c2)
        public static bool IsEqual(Complex c1, Complex c2)
        public override bool Equals(Object o)
        public override int GetHashCode()
        public static bool operator !=(Complex c1, Complex c2)
        public static bool IsNotEqual(Complex c1, Complex c2)
        public override string ToString()
    public class Legendre
        public Legendre()
        public double Polynomials(int n, double u)
        public double AssocPolynomials(int n, int m, double u)
    public class SphericalHarmonics : Legendre
        public SphericalHarmonics()
        public Complex Y(int n,int m, double theta, double phi)
    public class Vector
        public Vector(double xx, double yy, double zz)
        public Vector(double theta, double phi, double r, bool spherical)
        public Vector(Vector r)
        public Vector()
        public double X
        public double Y
        public double Z
        public double Theta //Readonly
        public double Phi //Readonly
        public double R2()
        public double Mod()
        public Vector Rx(Vector r)
        public double Rdot(Vector r)
        public Vector Unit()
        public void GoUnit()
        public static Vector operator +(Vector a, Vector b)
        public static Vector operator -(Vector a, Vector b)
        public static Vector Add(Vector a, Vector b)
        public static Vector Subtract(Vector a, Vector b)
        public void Scale(double factor)
        public bool Equals(Vector r)
        public static Vector GetNormal(Vector a, Vector b, Vector c)
    public class Direction: Vector
        public double Cos1 //Readonly
        public double Cos2 //Readonly 
        public double Cos3 //Readonly 
        public double Azimuth //Readonly 
        public double Polar //Readonly 
        public Direction()
        public Direction(double azimuth, double polar)
        public Direction(Vector v)
        public Direction(double worldX, double worldY, double worldZ)
        public virtual void Update(double azimuth, double polar)
        public virtual void Update(double worldX, double worldY, double 
    public class Projection : Direction

        public double OriginX
        public double OriginY
        public double ScaleX
        public double ScaleY
        public Projection(double azimuth, double polar)
        public Projection(double worldX, double worldY, double worldZ)
        public override void Update(double azimuth, double polar)
        public override void Update(double worldX,
                                    double worldY,
                                    double worldZ)
        public double ProjectionX(Vector r)
        public double ProjectionY(Vector r)
        public double ProjectionX(  double worldX,
                                    double worldY,
                                    double worldZ)
        public double ProjectionY(  double worldX,
                                    double worldY,
                                    double worldZ)
        public Complex XY(Vector r)
        public Complex XY(double r, double theta, double phi)
        public bool TileProyection( double maxLuminance, ref double luminance,
                                    Vector[] tile, ref Complex[] xy)
        public bool GetFirstWorldPoint(SpaceForm[] spaceForms, ref Vector[] element

                                                               , ref int spIndx)
        public bool GetNextWorldPoint(SpaceForm[] spaceForms, ref Vector[] element

                                                            , ref int spIndx)
        public bool GetFirstWorldPoint(SpaceForm[] spaceForms, ref Vector[] element

                                                               , ref byte param
                                                             , ref int spIndx)
        public bool GetNextWorldPoint(SpaceForm[] spaceForms, ref Vector[] element

                                                              , ref byte param
                                                            , ref int spIndx)
    public class SpaceForm
        public SpaceForm()
        public SpaceForm(int d1, int d2, int sftype)
        public SpaceForm(int d1, int d2, bool withParams, int sftype)
        public SpaceForm(string filePath, bool Spherical, int sftype)
        public void Init(int d1, int d2, bool withParams, int sftype)
        private string lastException;
        public string LastException
        private int[] proximitySort;
        private int sfType;
        public int SfType
        public static int Points
        public static int Curve
        public static int Surface
        private Vector[,] vArray;
        public Vector[,] VectorArray
        private byte[,] paramArray;
        public byte[,] ParamArray
        private int dim1=0, dim2=0;
        public int Dim1
        public int Dim2
        private bool closed = true;
        public bool Closed
        public bool SetPoint(int m, int n, Vector r)
        public bool SetPoint(int m, int n, Vector r, byte param)
        public bool SetPoint(int m, int n, double x, double y, double z)
        public bool SetPoint(int m, int n, double x, double y, double z, byte param)
        public Vector GetPoint(int m, int n)
        private double[] proximity; 
        public int DoProximitySort(Direction sight)
        private int arrPtr = 0;
        public bool GetElement(int m,int n, ref Vector[] element)
        public double CurrentProximity(bool initialize)
        public bool GetFirstElement( ref Vector[] element)
        public bool GetNextElement( ref Vector[] element)
        public bool GetFirstElement( ref Vector[] element, ref byte param)
        public bool GetNextElement( ref Vector[] element, ref byte param)
        public SpaceForm[] AddAxis()
        public static SpaceForm[] AddAxis(SpaceForm sp0)

    public class PointArray: SpaceForm
        public PointArray(int d1): base(d1,1,SpaceForm.Points)
        public PointArray(int d1, bool withParams):base(d1,1,withParams,SpaceForm.Points)
        public PointArray(string filePath, bool spherical):base(filePath,spherical

    public class Curve: SpaceForm
        public Curve(int d1): base(d1,1,SpaceForm.Curve)
        public Curve(int d1, bool withParams):base(d1,1,withParams,SpaceForm.Curve)
        public Curve(string filePath, bool spherical):base(filePath,spherical

        public Vector GetTangent(int m)
    public class Surface : SpaceForm
        public Surface(int d1, int d2): base(d1,d2,SpaceForm.Surface)
        public Surface(int d1, int d2, bool withParams):base(d1,d2,withParams

        public Surface(string filePath, bool spherical):base(filePath,spherical

        public Vector GetNormal(int m, int n)
        public void AddPlane(ref SpaceForm[] spArray, Direction pNormal

                                                      , double parameter)


 Download complimentary Spherical Harmonics animated demo!